Kamis, 09 September 2010

Oil Refinery Damage, 34 Workers Saved

BEIJING - rescue teams equipped with helicopters had rescued 34 workers who are in danger, while the offshore oil rigs where they were damaged. Oil refinery is seen tilted nearly collapsed due to storms.
Rule 3 oil refineries operating in the field, Shengli started having slope since last Tuesday, September 7th. This condition causes the four workers fell into the water and trapping 32 others in the oil refinery.
Using a helicopter rescue team rushed to the area of oil refineries. Approximately in the afternoon local time they managed to arrive and begin the process of recovery to the workers. Similarly Xinhua reported on Wednesday (08/09/2010).
When checked, the oil refinery was experiencing up to 45 degrees slope and continue protrudes into the sea. 34 workers finally managed to survive in this incident, but two others were reported still missing.

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