Postal Worker terrorized Small Dog Northampton, England - It seems to work as postmen become very dangerous if the road through Dorset Gardens, the threat is a little dog.
Dogs are known as the Beast of Dorset Gardens, aggressive and ferocious animals, so the British banned the postman delivered a letter to the road.
The postman and people claim to feel terrorized by the brutality of the dog, while the city council has threatened to dog owners to remove or mengandangkannya.
The dog was horrible it's not the type Rottweiler or pit bull, but only six inches tall dog named Peggy Yorkshire manifold.
The citizen who is on the way it was admitted that he had not received another letter from the six weeks following a complaint from the postman who claimed it was attacked by small dog. But the owner said the dog was a cute little dog and loved everyone.
The last attack did occur on December 7th, residents must take their letters by rotating the other way as far as 14 miles from the nearest post office. Police say that they know what happened, but there was no evidence of a bite or wound bleeding.
Margaret Joyce (19) owner of the dog, saying that her dog likes to bark when there is a postman, but never attacked anyone.
Meanwhile, the postman said that they waited for news that the dog has been secured, in order to deliver a letter to the Dorset Gardens. Reports the Telegraph, on Thursday (01/20/2011).
Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011
Poodles are nice dogs Walking with Two Legs
Poodles are nice dogs Walking with Two Legs Jilin - A new poodle became a celebrity in China, because the dog would prefer to walk on two legs.
This one-year-old dog to walk half a mile with two legs and sometimes attract the attention of people around.
The owner Dou Xianhui (50), from Jilin City, began to train Treasure to walk on two hind legs not long after the dog was born.
"I just trained him approximately one week, and she began walking with two legs on its own without stopping," he said as reported by Orange, on Friday (21/01/2011).
"Since learning to walk on two legs, Treasure very difficult to walk with all four feet. The speed run at the speed of my walk, she she could walk like that for almost 20 to 30 minutes without stopping," he continued.
"I often take her walking along the Songhua River, there are many people waiting, wanting to take pictures and say helo to him," he concluded.
This one-year-old dog to walk half a mile with two legs and sometimes attract the attention of people around.
The owner Dou Xianhui (50), from Jilin City, began to train Treasure to walk on two hind legs not long after the dog was born.
"I just trained him approximately one week, and she began walking with two legs on its own without stopping," he said as reported by Orange, on Friday (21/01/2011).
"Since learning to walk on two legs, Treasure very difficult to walk with all four feet. The speed run at the speed of my walk, she she could walk like that for almost 20 to 30 minutes without stopping," he continued.
"I often take her walking along the Songhua River, there are many people waiting, wanting to take pictures and say helo to him," he concluded.
Rabu, 19 Januari 2011
Perjalanan hidup gayus tambunan
Perjalanan hidup gayus tambunan1. Gayus Tambunan Seorang Raper
ini dia awal karir gayus tambunan, dulu doi adalah seorang rapper terkenal dan sempat mengkalahkan rapper terkenal seperti snoop dog dan eminem, tapi gara-gara si gayus suka nimum cendol jadinya suaranya serak dan akhirnya waktu battel rap si gayus kalah dan akhirnya gayus pun beralih profesi
2. Gayus Tambunan Seorang Astronot
Ya, setelah lengser dari dunia Rap, Gayus pun beralih profesi sebagai Tukang Astronot.Doi di jadikan pilot apolo 11 oleh nasa, sayang gara-gara si gayus ga bisa mengemudikan pesawat ulang-alik jadinya nyungsep deh pesawatnya dan gayus pun di pecar oleh nasa dan beralih profesi lagi
3. Gayus Menjadi Hansip
Setelah di PHK oleh NASA, Gayus pun mulai sedikit stres, akhirnya untuk sementara waktu si gayus bekerja sebagai hansip keamanan di daerah rumah gw. nih fotonya waktu lagi baca koran tentang berita pejabat yang pada korupsi (mungkin ini awal gayus bercita-cita sebagai koruptor nih)
4. Gayus Jualan Duren
"Sekali dayung, 2-3 pulau terlampaui" itulah prinsip hidup gayus, siang bekerja sebagai Hansip, sore sampai malam doi gunakan untuk kerja sambilan, yup belah duren, eh salah... maksudnya dagang duren. hehehe.. Duren yang gayus jual maknyos gan, dijamin sekali icip, langsung ngiler selamanya...
5. Gayus Menjadi Tukang Tambal Ban
Selain menjadi penjual duren, ternyata gayus sedang bisnis tambal ban yang (ternyata) ber omset recehan milyar rupiah (HOW???)..
6. Gayus Menjadi Petinju
Nah kalo ini, waktu gayus jadi petinju gan. Jangan salah gan, gini2 juga doi tu petinju hebat loh, Mike Tison aja mah lewat... cuma doi orangnya ga sombong, makanya banyak orang yang ga tau.
7. Gayus Seorang SATPOL-PP
Dikarenakan gayus banyak mendapatkan penghargaan dalam pekerjaannya (HANSIP), maka doi pun dinaikan jabatannya menjadi SATPOL-PP.
8. Gayus Jual Mie Tek-Tek
"Untung tak dapat diraih, malang tak dapat ditolak" itulah pribahasa yang pantas disandangnya saat itu. Setelah beberapa minggu menjabat sebagai Satpol-PP, doi sudah kena PHK lagi. Doi di PHK gara2 sering membolos, bukannya ikut kerja menertibkan pedagang kaki lima & banci taman lawang, dia malah asik2n ngaskus ( garing ya? bodo ah.. yang penting ada alur ceritanya, hehehe ). Alhasil doi pun harus lagi lagi banting stir jadi tukang mie tek-tek yang ternyata omset per bulannya bisa nyampe 100 jeti booo. (mie tek-tek apaan tu yg omset per-bulannya sampe 100 jeti??? )
9. Gayus Seorang Aktor
Ketika Gayus dan Julia Roberts bermain di film "Eat Pray & Love versus Perjuangan".
Selain di Eat, pray, love vs perjuangan, ternyata doi juga menjadi aktor dalam film perdananya yang menceritakan hobinya jalan-jalan dan berlibur dengan uang rakyat
Karena gayus termasuk orang komedian ia bahkan menggandeng tukul arwana sebagai lawan mainnya di film komedinya sendiri yang bertajuk "Gayus dan Gayung"
9. Gayus Seorang Musisi
Selain jalan-jalan gayus juga punya hobi lain yaitu ngeband, sama seperti bisnisnya (Tambal band) mungkinkah dia akan menggantikan ariel di peterpan?
10. Gayus jadi Cawapres
Gayus pun akhirnya melebarkan sayap menjadi wakil presiden, bersama temannya anggodo. Lihatlah jargon yang doi keluarkan. "UNTUK INDONESIA YANG BEBAS BERKORUPSI???" bukannya bebas dari korupsi tapi warga indonesia bebas melakukan korupsi (lho??)
11. Gayus Jadi Presiden
Setelah gayus menjadi wapres, ia merasakan bagaimana enaknya duduk di singgasana istana. Doi pun ingin menjadi presiden sehingga pada pemilu 2014 pun, doi ikut sebagai salah satu capres.
12. Gayus Dalam Rupiah
Selagi Gayus mempersiapkan diri jadi presiden 2014, doi pun punya berbagai program. salah satunya doi ingin mengganti seluruh gambar di duit rupiah dengan gambar dirinya.
Tak tanggung tanggung, doi pun juga berencana membuat pecahan baru rupiah senilai Rp. 100.000.000 alias SERATUS JUTA RUPIAH!!! (anda percaya? saya tidak!)
12.Gayus nonton dangdut bukan pergi ke bali
nih dia gan wktu kta sebagia orang gayus jln2 ke bali, ternyata salah, gayus pergi ke acara dangdut dan iseng2 foto penyanyinya yang waktu itu lagi pke rok mini wkwkkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
Demikianlah akhir kisah gayus tambunan, dari yang sederhana menjadi sang penguasa negeri ini. Dari yan
g tinggal di gubug jadi tinggal di Istana. Yang tiap hari keliling kampung dagangin duren jadi keliling dunia untuk pelesiran. Yah, itulah gayus. sampai semua orang berandai-andai "ANDAI AKU JADI GAYUS"...
dan dengan sediik perubahan
ini dia awal karir gayus tambunan, dulu doi adalah seorang rapper terkenal dan sempat mengkalahkan rapper terkenal seperti snoop dog dan eminem, tapi gara-gara si gayus suka nimum cendol jadinya suaranya serak dan akhirnya waktu battel rap si gayus kalah dan akhirnya gayus pun beralih profesi
2. Gayus Tambunan Seorang Astronot
Ya, setelah lengser dari dunia Rap, Gayus pun beralih profesi sebagai Tukang Astronot.Doi di jadikan pilot apolo 11 oleh nasa, sayang gara-gara si gayus ga bisa mengemudikan pesawat ulang-alik jadinya nyungsep deh pesawatnya dan gayus pun di pecar oleh nasa dan beralih profesi lagi
3. Gayus Menjadi Hansip
Setelah di PHK oleh NASA, Gayus pun mulai sedikit stres, akhirnya untuk sementara waktu si gayus bekerja sebagai hansip keamanan di daerah rumah gw. nih fotonya waktu lagi baca koran tentang berita pejabat yang pada korupsi (mungkin ini awal gayus bercita-cita sebagai koruptor nih)
4. Gayus Jualan Duren
"Sekali dayung, 2-3 pulau terlampaui" itulah prinsip hidup gayus, siang bekerja sebagai Hansip, sore sampai malam doi gunakan untuk kerja sambilan, yup belah duren, eh salah... maksudnya dagang duren. hehehe.. Duren yang gayus jual maknyos gan, dijamin sekali icip, langsung ngiler selamanya...
5. Gayus Menjadi Tukang Tambal Ban
Selain menjadi penjual duren, ternyata gayus sedang bisnis tambal ban yang (ternyata) ber omset recehan milyar rupiah (HOW???)..
6. Gayus Menjadi Petinju
Nah kalo ini, waktu gayus jadi petinju gan. Jangan salah gan, gini2 juga doi tu petinju hebat loh, Mike Tison aja mah lewat... cuma doi orangnya ga sombong, makanya banyak orang yang ga tau.
7. Gayus Seorang SATPOL-PP
Dikarenakan gayus banyak mendapatkan penghargaan dalam pekerjaannya (HANSIP), maka doi pun dinaikan jabatannya menjadi SATPOL-PP.
8. Gayus Jual Mie Tek-Tek
"Untung tak dapat diraih, malang tak dapat ditolak" itulah pribahasa yang pantas disandangnya saat itu. Setelah beberapa minggu menjabat sebagai Satpol-PP, doi sudah kena PHK lagi. Doi di PHK gara2 sering membolos, bukannya ikut kerja menertibkan pedagang kaki lima & banci taman lawang, dia malah asik2n ngaskus ( garing ya? bodo ah.. yang penting ada alur ceritanya, hehehe ). Alhasil doi pun harus lagi lagi banting stir jadi tukang mie tek-tek yang ternyata omset per bulannya bisa nyampe 100 jeti booo. (mie tek-tek apaan tu yg omset per-bulannya sampe 100 jeti??? )
9. Gayus Seorang Aktor
Ketika Gayus dan Julia Roberts bermain di film "Eat Pray & Love versus Perjuangan".
Selain di Eat, pray, love vs perjuangan, ternyata doi juga menjadi aktor dalam film perdananya yang menceritakan hobinya jalan-jalan dan berlibur dengan uang rakyat
Karena gayus termasuk orang komedian ia bahkan menggandeng tukul arwana sebagai lawan mainnya di film komedinya sendiri yang bertajuk "Gayus dan Gayung"
9. Gayus Seorang Musisi
Selain jalan-jalan gayus juga punya hobi lain yaitu ngeband, sama seperti bisnisnya (Tambal band) mungkinkah dia akan menggantikan ariel di peterpan?
10. Gayus jadi Cawapres
Gayus pun akhirnya melebarkan sayap menjadi wakil presiden, bersama temannya anggodo. Lihatlah jargon yang doi keluarkan. "UNTUK INDONESIA YANG BEBAS BERKORUPSI???" bukannya bebas dari korupsi tapi warga indonesia bebas melakukan korupsi (lho??)
11. Gayus Jadi Presiden
Setelah gayus menjadi wapres, ia merasakan bagaimana enaknya duduk di singgasana istana. Doi pun ingin menjadi presiden sehingga pada pemilu 2014 pun, doi ikut sebagai salah satu capres.
12. Gayus Dalam Rupiah
Selagi Gayus mempersiapkan diri jadi presiden 2014, doi pun punya berbagai program. salah satunya doi ingin mengganti seluruh gambar di duit rupiah dengan gambar dirinya.
Tak tanggung tanggung, doi pun juga berencana membuat pecahan baru rupiah senilai Rp. 100.000.000 alias SERATUS JUTA RUPIAH!!! (anda percaya? saya tidak!)
12.Gayus nonton dangdut bukan pergi ke bali
nih dia gan wktu kta sebagia orang gayus jln2 ke bali, ternyata salah, gayus pergi ke acara dangdut dan iseng2 foto penyanyinya yang waktu itu lagi pke rok mini wkwkkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
Demikianlah akhir kisah gayus tambunan, dari yang sederhana menjadi sang penguasa negeri ini. Dari yan
g tinggal di gubug jadi tinggal di Istana. Yang tiap hari keliling kampung dagangin duren jadi keliling dunia untuk pelesiran. Yah, itulah gayus. sampai semua orang berandai-andai "ANDAI AKU JADI GAYUS"...
dan dengan sediik perubahan
Senin, 17 Januari 2011
Korsel Perintahkan Gunakan Pakaian Dalam Hangat
Korsel Perintahkan Gunakan Pakaian Dalam Hangat SEOUL - Pemerintah Korea Selatan meminta warga untuk mematikan penghangat ruangan dan menggunakan bra penghangat karena untuk penghematan listrik.
Dalam perencanaan hemat energi, semua kementrian dan perusahaan pemerintah diminta untuk mematikan penghangat ruangan dari pukul 11 pagi hingga pukul 5-6 sore.
Gedung-gedung pemerintahan harus memiliki temperatur suhu di bawah 18 derajat celsius dan pegawai negeri diminta untuk menggunakan pakaian dalam penghangat untuk memerangi hawa dingin.
"Kantor-kantor akan sangat dingin untuk menyesuaikan suhu tersebut, sehingga para karyawan, baik diminta atau tidak pasti akan menggunakan pakaian dalam penghangat," ujar pejabat kementerian, Roh Keon-Ki, seperti dilansir AFP, Senin (17/1/2011).
Pihak pemerintah akan melakukan patroli untuk mengontrol gedung-gedung pemerintah agar mematuhi peraturan tersebut.
Suhu udaha pada hari Minggu di Seoul turun hingga 10 tahun terendah mencapai 17,8 derajat celcius. Sebagian wilayah di sungai Han juga telah membeku.
Bahkan temperatur di selatan Busan menurun hingga mencapai 12,8 derajat pada hari Minggu waktu setempat, level terendah sejak 96 tahun, menyebabkan tewasnya seorang tunawisma.
Menteri Perekonomian Choi Kyung-Hwan memperingatkan bahwa kemungkinan pemadaman akan terjadi karena tingginya permintaan listrik meningkat pada musim dingin ini
HItler Jadi Wanita dan Hamil?
HItler Jadi Wanita dan Hamil? SINGAPURA - Seorang seniman dari Indonesia melukis sebuah lukisan aneh mengenai Adolf Hitler, dia digambarkan sebagai Bunda Maria untuk menebus dosa-dosanya.
Ronald Manullang menggambarkan sang fuhrer itu sebagai seorang perempuan yang setengah telanjang, dan tengah menimang Yesus di pangkuannya.
Gambar lain menunjukkan dirinya dengan tato kematian Yahudi di pergelangannya dan sebagai perempuan yang memamerkan payudaranya.
"Ini sangat mengerikan, seorang pria yang paling berkuasa harus menyusui, menyanyikan nina bobo dan harus menjaga bayi yang paling dia benci. Ini merupakan hukuman paling tepat bagi dosa-dosanya di masa lalu," ujar Manullang pada saat pameran lukisannya berjudul Penghukuman Terakhir.
"Hitler telah banyak melakukan dosa. Dia membunuh banyak orang tapi dia tidak pernah dihukum. Intinya dari lukisan saya adalah penghukuman," pungkasnya seperti dilansir Orange, Senin (17/1/2011).
Protest, Someone Burn Yourself in Parliament
Protest, Someone Burn Yourself in Parliament CAIRO - A man lit a fire in his own body outside the parliament building in Cairo Egypt. Not yet clear what the motive of these men do this reckless action.
"The man was standing outside the parliament building, the hose how then he poured gasoline over his body and ignited himself with fire, 'said a witness who declined to be named, told AFP on Monday (1/17/2011).
"A policeman who happened to be at the scene, managed to extinguish the fire and the man was immediately rushed to the hospital by an ambulance," he continued.
Until now there has been clear from the condition of an unidentified man was. Presumably he was trying to imitate a similar action performed by a citizen of Tunisia.
Previous Mohammed Bouazizi burn himself in Tunisia some time ago. 26-year-old man set fire to himself when the police forbade selling fruit and vegetables to make money.
Bouazizi case that eventually died of wounds he suffered, immediately sparked protests in Tunisia. These protests eventually rezin ouster of former President Zine El-Adinie Bin Ali, who has ruled for 23 years in Tunisia.
"The man was standing outside the parliament building, the hose how then he poured gasoline over his body and ignited himself with fire, 'said a witness who declined to be named, told AFP on Monday (1/17/2011).
"A policeman who happened to be at the scene, managed to extinguish the fire and the man was immediately rushed to the hospital by an ambulance," he continued.
Until now there has been clear from the condition of an unidentified man was. Presumably he was trying to imitate a similar action performed by a citizen of Tunisia.
Previous Mohammed Bouazizi burn himself in Tunisia some time ago. 26-year-old man set fire to himself when the police forbade selling fruit and vegetables to make money.
Bouazizi case that eventually died of wounds he suffered, immediately sparked protests in Tunisia. These protests eventually rezin ouster of former President Zine El-Adinie Bin Ali, who has ruled for 23 years in Tunisia.
Habits of Men It's Best Not Understood Women
Habits of Men It's Best Not Understood Women IN a modest life, most women still do not understand their partner. Especially with habits. True, men and women are different. However, there are some disturbing habits.
Want to know what is it? Consider the six habits of men who do not understand women, as quoted Allwomenstalk.
Leaving the toilet seat lid open
Most men still forget to return the toilet seat lid into place originally. In fact, the act of closing it only takes a minute.
The inability to sympathize
For example, when you are sick. Sure you want a little help from your partner to wash the dishes or turn down the television sound when you want a break. But he did not understand the meaning of sympathy.
"I know where I go. I do not need to ask directions. "
Ladies, as you try to explain to her that you're lost, men usually insist (and the real shame) not to ask directions.
Acting like the expert at home repair
Rather than hire someone who is really an electrician, builder or expert leakage, men tend to insist to do it themselves, which in the end there is only a bigger mistake.
Shopping fashion do not, but yes useless gadget shop.
Although he was in desperate need of underwear today, men prefer to linger in the gadget shop. Men see what is good in his sight, pay, and out of the store once completed.
Assuming that burp out loud funny
Well, we all would burp. But for women, it would not be conducted in public. While men think it belched out loud funny and invite other friends laugh.
Want to know what is it? Consider the six habits of men who do not understand women, as quoted Allwomenstalk.
Leaving the toilet seat lid open
Most men still forget to return the toilet seat lid into place originally. In fact, the act of closing it only takes a minute.
The inability to sympathize
For example, when you are sick. Sure you want a little help from your partner to wash the dishes or turn down the television sound when you want a break. But he did not understand the meaning of sympathy.
"I know where I go. I do not need to ask directions. "
Ladies, as you try to explain to her that you're lost, men usually insist (and the real shame) not to ask directions.
Acting like the expert at home repair
Rather than hire someone who is really an electrician, builder or expert leakage, men tend to insist to do it themselves, which in the end there is only a bigger mistake.
Shopping fashion do not, but yes useless gadget shop.
Although he was in desperate need of underwear today, men prefer to linger in the gadget shop. Men see what is good in his sight, pay, and out of the store once completed.
Assuming that burp out loud funny
Well, we all would burp. But for women, it would not be conducted in public. While men think it belched out loud funny and invite other friends laugh.
Minggu, 16 Januari 2011
Police Statue criticism 'Urine'
Police Statue criticism 'Urine' DRESEDEN - Chief of Police seized an artist who makes sculptures policewoman who was urinating on the floor.
Statue of female police riot that using a helmet, vest and also stick squatting using a uniform is complete with urination. The statue was also equipped with urine on the floor.
The statue is in a display at the Campus Art Dreseden in Germany is making Narcel Walldorf win a prize of one thousand pounds or approximately Rp14 million, but his work clearly invites criticism.
"There is freedom in artsy, but this has gone too far," said police spokesman Hagen Hisgen unity, as reported by Orange, on Wednesday (12/01/2011).
Meanwhile, Interior Minister Mark Ulbig said that the statue was very offended by female police officer and he also felt the sculpture was offending human dignity.
Statue of female police riot that using a helmet, vest and also stick squatting using a uniform is complete with urination. The statue was also equipped with urine on the floor.
The statue is in a display at the Campus Art Dreseden in Germany is making Narcel Walldorf win a prize of one thousand pounds or approximately Rp14 million, but his work clearly invites criticism.
"There is freedom in artsy, but this has gone too far," said police spokesman Hagen Hisgen unity, as reported by Orange, on Wednesday (12/01/2011).
Meanwhile, Interior Minister Mark Ulbig said that the statue was very offended by female police officer and he also felt the sculpture was offending human dignity.
World's Youngest Publisher
World's Youngest Publisher Corby - Two 14-year-old boy believed to be the youngest publisher in the world. Degree was achieved after they published a magazine that can generate.
Spooner and Louis Sean Porter to make bi-weekly magazine Corby six months ago and now has a number of readers reached 5 thousand people.
Both teens are spending their spare time by working on the content of the magazine in the room, using laptop and cell phone.
Free magazine that provides news on local news, news and competitions in the area of Corby, Northants (United Kingdom), and they managed to make money through advertising.
'This is entirely our ideas. we produce the magazine itself and fund it from advertising. This is really exciting to see the magazine published and read by everybody,' says Sean, as reported by the Orange, on Wednesday (1/12/2011).
Sean is responsible for as editor and also handles the writing and production of, while Louis is also the director of sales and marketing business as well as a blank ad space for local businesses.
"It's very hard to find ads for the first time since the magazine is still new and I have to ensure its success," added Louis.
First magazine published in June, only has 12 pages and printed as many as 200 copies. But now the fourth edition has managed to print 36 pages and managed to distribute the magazine to almost a thousand homes.
Spooner and Louis Sean Porter to make bi-weekly magazine Corby six months ago and now has a number of readers reached 5 thousand people.
Both teens are spending their spare time by working on the content of the magazine in the room, using laptop and cell phone.
Free magazine that provides news on local news, news and competitions in the area of Corby, Northants (United Kingdom), and they managed to make money through advertising.
'This is entirely our ideas. we produce the magazine itself and fund it from advertising. This is really exciting to see the magazine published and read by everybody,' says Sean, as reported by the Orange, on Wednesday (1/12/2011).
Sean is responsible for as editor and also handles the writing and production of, while Louis is also the director of sales and marketing business as well as a blank ad space for local businesses.
"It's very hard to find ads for the first time since the magazine is still new and I have to ensure its success," added Louis.
First magazine published in June, only has 12 pages and printed as many as 200 copies. But now the fourth edition has managed to print 36 pages and managed to distribute the magazine to almost a thousand homes.
There are Tigers in the City, But It Has Permission '
There are Tigers in the City, But It Has Permission ' RATZEBURG - As long as you have permission to maintain the animal may not be a problem, try this also notified to the owner of a tiger by the police.
German police gave the information that an employee group that could bring the Russian circus tiger for a walk, during first notify the authorities.
Men aged 30 years was made a furore in Germany on Sunday following a statement from a woman who said that there was a man who was carrying a cub walking.
The man was working in a circus group from Russia and is currently performing in the Netherlands, men are often asked to take care of three tigers and a young adult tiger.
Tiger is in a caravan and enter in each cage, and monitored regularly.
'The man was granted permission to save the tiger in the caravan, "he told police.
"But because of concerns of the residents, the police asked him 30 years to furnish information in advance if he wanted to bring the tiger to walk, even though the cub," police said in a statement as reported by Reuters
German police gave the information that an employee group that could bring the Russian circus tiger for a walk, during first notify the authorities.
Men aged 30 years was made a furore in Germany on Sunday following a statement from a woman who said that there was a man who was carrying a cub walking.
The man was working in a circus group from Russia and is currently performing in the Netherlands, men are often asked to take care of three tigers and a young adult tiger.
Tiger is in a caravan and enter in each cage, and monitored regularly.
'The man was granted permission to save the tiger in the caravan, "he told police.
"But because of concerns of the residents, the police asked him 30 years to furnish information in advance if he wanted to bring the tiger to walk, even though the cub," police said in a statement as reported by Reuters
Cancel Suicide, Life Fixed Float
Cancel Suicide, Life Fixed Float KUALA LUMPUR - A suicidal woman with a drinking poison. But at the last moment he canceled a plan, but it's too late because in the end he died in hospital despite asking for help to friends.
The victim is a single mother this, died after undergoing treatment at a hospital in Muar, Malaysia. During the three-hour mother of three children struggling back to life.
Women who divorced her husband six years ago, had difficulty to end his own life. Previous victims had called friends to ask for help, but on arrival at hospital his life can not be helped anymore.
As reported by The Star, Sunday (1/16/2011), believed to have committed suicide motive was based on the pressure of his life.
While on the way to the hospital, victims admitted regret trying to end her life. But all too late because the medical personnel failed to help her through this time of critical.
The victim is a single mother this, died after undergoing treatment at a hospital in Muar, Malaysia. During the three-hour mother of three children struggling back to life.
Women who divorced her husband six years ago, had difficulty to end his own life. Previous victims had called friends to ask for help, but on arrival at hospital his life can not be helped anymore.
As reported by The Star, Sunday (1/16/2011), believed to have committed suicide motive was based on the pressure of his life.
While on the way to the hospital, victims admitted regret trying to end her life. But all too late because the medical personnel failed to help her through this time of critical.