Jumat, 17 September 2010

Israel Serang Tepi Barat, Tewaskan Pejuang Hamas

YERUSALEM - Pasukan Israel melakukan penyerbuan di wilayah Tepi Barat hari ini. Dalam serangan tersebut militer Israel menewaskan pejuang Hamas di saat hendak menangkap seorang tokoh sayap militer Hamas.

Serangan ini sebenarnya ditujukan untuk menangkap Iyad Abu Shilbaya, yang dianggap terlibat dalam penembakan terhadap empat pemukim Yahudi 1 September lalu. Usaha penangkapan Shilbaya sendiri berlangsung alot, karena dirinya kabur dari Kota Tulkarem dan mengindahkan peringatan untuk menyerahkan diri.

Abu Shilbaya pun akhirnya tewas dalam penyergapan ini. Adik dari Iyad Shilbaya menyatakan, penangkapan dari saudaranya tidak lebih dari upaya pembunuhan. Dia menyatakan, Iyad Shilbaya adalah aktivis politik Hamas bukan berasal dari kalangan sayap militer Hamas.

Namun keterangan berbeda justru diutarakan oleh juru bicara sayap militer Hamas di Gaza Abu Obeida. Obeida mengkonfirmasi jika Shilbaya memang anggota sayap militer Hamas. Demikian diberitakan Associated Press, Jumat (17/9/2010).

Pada wilayah Tepi Barat kewenangan pihak Palestina, khususnya pihak keamanannya dibatasi oleh pasukan Israel yang memegang keseluruhan aturan keamanan di wilayah itu. Pihak Israel menilai pasukan keamanan Palestina masih belum mampu mengatasi perlawanan Hamas.

Waspada, Jakarta Banjir Dini Hari

DEPOK - Akibat curah hujan yang tinggi di wilayah, Puncak, Ciawi, Bogor, menyebabkan kondisi ketinggian air di pintu air Katulampa, Bogor siaga tiga atau lebih dari batas normal. Hal itu juga menyebabkan kondisi ketinggian air di pos pemantau Ciliwung di Depok ikut berstatus siaga empat akibat kiriman air dari Bendung Katulampa.

Petugas pos pemantau Ciliwung di Depok, Ardi menuturkan kondisi ketinggian air saat ini berada di 230 centimeter atau siaga empat. Hal itu, kata Ardi, karena air dari Katulampa akan sampai dalam waktu 3 jam. "Baru datang pukul 20.00 WIB, 230 centimeter siaga empat, normalnya 150 centimeter, di atas 250 centimeter siaga tiga, dari Katulampa jam 17.00 WIB," ujarnya kepada okezone, Jumat (17/9/1020).

Menurut Ardi, ketinggian air tidak terlalu signifikan lantaran hujan hanya terjadi di Bogor, tidak ditambah Depok. Air, lanjut Ardi, akan sampai di Jakarta dalam kurun waktu 6 jam. "Depok hanya gerimis, dan sampai di Jakarta dini hari nanti di Pintu air Manggarai," tuturnya.

Daerah Jakarta yang berpotensi dilanda banjir kiriman yakni di wilayah Jakarta Selatan, seperti Bukit Duri, Bidara Cina, Tebet, Pengadegan serta Kampung Melayu.

Sebelumnya,  penjaga Bendungan Katulampa Bogor Andi Sudirman mengingatkan air masuk ke Jakarta sepuluh jam kemudian. Menurut Andi, kemungkinan ketinggian akan terus naik jika curah hujan di kawasan Puncak tetap tinggi. Bagi warga yang berada di pinggiran Kali Ciliwung, Andi berpesan, agar berhati-hati dengan datangnya banjir kiriman dari Bogor

Latihan Perang, Anggota TNI Tewas Kena Bom

BALIKPAPAN – Risiko seorang prajurit. Seorang anggota TNI Angkatan Darat, Serka Buana (40), tewas setelah terkena ledakan bom jenis TNT saat berlatih perang di Balikpapan.

Berdasarkan penuturan Pangdam Mulawarman, Mayjen Tan Aspan, Buana tewas saat sedang latihan penyeberangan di Sungai Manggar pada pukul 14.30 Wita, Jumat (17/9/2010) siang tadi.

“Saat latihan teknik penyeberangan akan segera dimulai, ternyata masih ada satu kabel yang masih menyambung, sehingga bom pun meledak,” tegas Tan Aspan saat dikonfirmasi wartawan di Rumah Sakit Dr Hardjanto.

Menurutnya, latihan tersebut sebenarnya sudah sesuai dengan prosedur. Namun, entah mengapa terdapat satu saluran kabel yang masih tersambung hingga akhirnya bom seberat 350 gram tersebut meledak.

Selain menewaskan Serka Buana, kejadian ini juga membuat sejumlah personel TNI lainnya mengalami luka sedang. Mereka adalah Praka Handri dan Praka Rivai yang mengalami cedera di mata dan luka bakar, serta Praka Rudi yang mengalami luka di tangan. Ketiganya masih menjalani perawatan di RS Dr Hardjanto.

Rencananya, jenazah Serka Buana akan diterbangkan malam ini juga ke kampung halamannya di Kebumen. Hingga kini, suasana rumah sakit masih ramai oleh sejumlah perwira dan prajurit TNI dari Kodam Mulawarman

Rabu, 15 September 2010

Peterpan Bangkrut?

JAKARTA - Kabar tak sedap kembali menimpa band Peterpan. Setelah diterpa persoalan amoral yang dilakukan sang vokalis, Nazriel Ilham, kini band asal Bandung itu dikabarkan bangkrut. Benarkah?

Bahkan sebuah distro  Jet Zet yang berlokasi di Jalan Riau, Kota Bandung milik Lukman, gitaris Peterpan, harus dijual demi menanggung biaya royalti akibat pembatalan beberapa show.

Namun, kabar tak sedap itu dibantah produser Peterpan, Chapunk. Menurut Chapunk, kabar itu hanya kabar murahan sebatas isapan jempol belaka. "Itu gosip, mereka masih sibuk dengan urusan masing-masing,kok,"kata Chapunk saat dikonfirmasi Okezone, Senin (13/9/2010).

Dirinya pun tidak menampik jika band yang dibentuk tahun 1997 ini memang menderita kerugian. Akan tetapi kerugian tersebut tidak berpengaruh besar terhadap para personil lainnya yaitu Lukman (gitar), Reza (drum), dan Ukie (gitar).

"Kalau ditanya kerugian itu pasti ada dan bagi kami itu hal biasa jika salah satu personil terkena musibah," tukasnya.

Dikatakannya lagi, memang sejauh ini grup band asal Bandung, Jawa Barat tidak akan menerima show selama kekasih Luna Maya itu masih terlilit masalah.

"Kalau show nggak ada, karena kita tetap masih menunggu masalah Ariel seperti apa," pungkasnya

his Easy Ways He Enlarge Breasts

HAVING A large breasts is the wishes of many women around the world. Unfortunately, many women choose to have a shortcut, through expensive high-risk operation.
This is a big problem that causes less confident womanhood, but is actually very easy to solve.
There are millions of women around the world who want to have larger breasts. And to do that, could the easy way. That is, you should get a large supply of estrogen into the body.
Estrogen is a female hormone that is responsible for making the body more curvaceous and larger breasts. This is also the reason why so many women who have larger breasts when they were in puberty.
During puberty, you'll see these hormones are pumped through the body to make the change from a girl into a woman. Estrogen into the opening of the menstrual cycle, in which to make your body shape looks more curvy, and the breasts begin to grow.
The reason behind why many women who do not have breasts like they want, because they enter puberty too early. Where this prevents breast well developed. Okezone such as quoted from the Times of India, Wednesday (09/15/2010).
From the age of 12-16 years, a woman's body is filled with estrogen. It is a condition of puberty, which had occurred when most of the changes in a woman's body. However, when puberty stops, then the level of estrogen in the body is reduced drastically. Where these conditions left breast size adult woman's body.
This means, to make breasts grow larger naturally only need to consume more estrogen. Fortunately, estrogen is a natural ingredient that can be obtained from various plants and herbs.
Estrogen can be found in the plant called "Phyto-estrogen" (literally translated as plant estrogens). In addition, you can also eat estrogens from food, such as hemp, soy, even know. Estrogen-rich foods can be consumed in order to make breasts grow larger until one or two bra cup sizes.
But you need to be careful, because there are certain levels of estrogen are effective, and can leave unwanted side effects on the body.

Hasil Labfor Temukan Methanol di Tubuh Perakit Sukhoi

JAKARTA - Pusat Laboratorium Forensik Mabes Polri memastikan, penyebab kematian tiga perakit pesawat Sukhoi Su-27 SKM karena kelebihan Methanol (spirtus) di dalam tubuh.

Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Kepala Pusat Kedokteran Kesehatan Mabes Polri Brigjen Pol Musadek di Rupatama Kompleks Mabes Polri, Jalan Trunojoyo, Jakarta, Rabu (15/9/2010).

"Kita simpulkan bahwa kematian tiga korban karena keracunan Methanol. Isi lambung dan seluruh organ tubuh mengandung methanol. Ini bahaya. Tidak boleh diminum," jelasnya.

Menurut Musadek, bahan kimia ini sangat berbahaya bagi tubuh. "Tidak boleh di dalam tubuh ada satu persen pun kandungan methanol," tegasnya.

Sebelumnya, dugaan ini sempat diutarakan oleh Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Imam Sufaat.

Pengaruh miras ini, jelas KSAU, yang kemudian berakibat pada gangguan jantung Alexander Poltorak, Sergei Voronin, dan Victor Safonov yang tewas dalam waktu yang hampir bersamaan.

“Dugaan sementara karena konsumsi minuman keras. Kita tunggu saja hasil autopsinya,” tegas Imam kemarin

Senin, 13 September 2010

Small girl Have a Hand Magnet

Serbia - A little girl who is still sitting in elementary school, have magical abilities. The girl's hand has a strong enough magnetic capabilities.
Jelena Momcilov continue to pick up the cutlery, coins and even other parts made of metal with only a touch. Strange habit of 10-year-old girl, the newly perceived approximately five years ago in his own house in Zeljusa region, Serbia.
Now experts at the University of Nis in Serbia, do research on this. Sad indeed, but experts say they are very interested in the habit Momcilov. Thus preached Orange, Monday (13/09/2010).
According to a chief researcher Premovic Pavle, sweet girl peculiarities may arise from the ability of bio-magnetism that comes from within the body Momcilov. But researchers still can not conclude this with certainty weirdness.

Minggu, 12 September 2010

Hotel occupancy rate in Bali 90 Percent

DENPASAR, KOMPAS.com - Different from Palu, the hotels in Denpasar full precisely when holiday Idul Fitri. Meanwhile, hotels in Palu quiet.
Secretary of the Association of Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants in Bali, Mark Pery, estimated, on Bali's hotel occupancy rate increased significantly.
"Watchlist of our shows, tourist visits to the island resort today is pretty good, hotel occupancy between 80 and 90 percent," he said in Denpasar, on Sunday (12/09/2010).
He said the number of hotels in Bali to three days of post-Lebaran predicted full. "Tourists who stay mostly domestic guests, among others, from Jakarta and Surabaya," he said.
With conditions like that tourism in Bali, all parties are expected to maintain and enhance its supporting sectors, such as security and order, as well as facilities in the area attractions.
"The improvement of the tourism sector must support the standard as a tourist destination. This means that the existing facilities in the sights must be in accordance with what is promoted through travel agents or hotels where they stayed," he said.
If the appropriate infrastructure promotion, the tourists will feel happy and comfortable for a holiday to Bali.
"We expect support from the government to prepare the facility for there is no or less maintained in the sights, like a small room. The toilet is very important for visitors," he said.
Let's see tourists who had just come down from the vehicle, they would ask where the toilet. That means the toilet became an important means of cleanliness must be maintained.
He was sure, at this time Lebaran holiday, visits to attractions increased. It was seen from the hotel occupancy rate in Bali.
Bali Tourism Office based on data until the end of 2009, the number of hotel rooms in Bali reached 46 014 rooms. In the same year, the number of tourist arrivals reached 2.2 million inhabitants with a length of stay 8.75 days and 3.5 million domestic tourists to stay three days.
Total of 2175 accommodation units with 46 014 rooms, consisting of as many as 1037 units of jasmine hotels with 20 516 rooms, 981 cottage units with 4380 rooms, and as many as 157 units star hotel with 21 118 rooms. Of the total rooms available in Bali, approximately 26 387 rooms located in Badung Regency.

Obama: Islam Not Enemy

NEW YORK, KOMPAS.com - President Barack Obama told the American people that Islam is not the enemy. Meanwhile, the ceremonies held to mark the ninth warning attacks that occurred on September 11, Saturday (11/09/2010).
Ceremonies are held to honor the nearly 3,000 people killed when hijackers crashed planes into the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon, outside Washington, and a field in Pennsylvania.
However, this year's ceremonies marked case-smelling haln more political, such as protests against the construction plan of a mosque which is located two blocks from Ground Zero and Terry Jones' threats to burn the holy book the Koran sparked protests-demonstrations in various Muslim world.
When speaking at the Pentagon, Obama overcome the debate within the country, which invites debate reaction of Muslims overseas. "As Americans, we would not and was never at war with Islam. Islam is not religion that attacked us on that day in September. That's the work of Al Qaeda," said Obama, who urged Americans not to put the hatred and prejudice.
At Ground Zero, where the reconstruction work done the first time, a youth choir opened the ceremony with national anthem.
Vice President Joseph Biden and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg are among the leaders attending the annual ritual of reading a 2752 people killed when two airplanes destroyed the twin towers.
Relatives of the victims were holding portraits of their loved ones under a sunny sky, while they hear a list of names was read out by those who survived in the tragedy and the members of the reconstruction team. "We come not to mourn, but want to remember to return and rebuild," said Biden.
The ceremony was also conducted in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where the fourth plane is controlled by the attackers crashed in a field.

"Holocaust" Castro Create a grumpy French

KOMPAS.com - The aging Fidel Castro is making a case considered by the French. You see, Friday (09/10/2010), former Cuban leader has recently launched the spiciness of criticism about the French treatment of Roma gypsies immigrants.
Castro, ex-"Cuba's first" that uses the word "holocaust" because the French hate the gypsies were expelled. Reason France, members of the Gypsy community is the culprit rising crime in France.
"The use of the word 'holocaust' by Castro shows his ignorance of history and hatred towards the victims of Holocaust. The words that we can not accept," said French Foreign Minister Bernard Valero.
Castro's remarks came in the second volume of his biography promotional event in Havana. He said migrants are victims of other types of "holocaust" of race.
Earlier, in August, as record AP and AFP, the French authorities to repatriate hundreds of residents to Romania and Bulgaria. This policy, known, direct criticism across Europe. Since both countries became members of the European Union three years ago, many members of the Roma gypsy community to come to France. "The immigrants were not allowed to stay in France if they do not have a job," as French authorities asserted.

Critical Blood Need SIH Rev. O

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Ciketing HKBP Church Pastor, Bekasi, ST SIH currently require blood group O. As rumored, he is a victim of stabbing a man who drove a motorcycle.
Reverend SIH was stabbed in the abdomen and right side when going to the Church HKBP Ciketing, Sunday (12/09/2010) at around 08:30. Victims who are rushed to hospital bleeding Family Partners East Bekasi. "We need a type-O blood sacrifice," said the official, Hospital Emergency Room Family Partners East Bekasi, Kholiq, to Kompas.com.
Kholiq says, residents who are interested in donating blood can contact the nearest Red Cross in East Bekasi. Recent developments, the Reverend SIH was still undergoing surgery at the hospital emergency room.